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Joseph Honeine
11.08.2023 18:36:34

Hello, I'm interested in Green House, i like the video where i saw 4x1O m : ОЧЕНЬ КРЕПКАЯ ТЕПЛИЦА Can you provide me with the price for 10x4 m as well as for 6x24m Which type of metal is the chassis? Is it Aluminum? Don't include the cost of installation, I will install it myself My email is jthlb@yahoo.com

Joseph Honeine
11.08.2023 18:32:57

Hello, I'm interested in Green House, i like the video where i saw 4x1O m : ОЧЕНЬ КРЕПКАЯ ТЕПЛИЦА Can you provide me with the price for 10x4 m as well as for 6x24m Which type of metal is the chassis? Is it Aluminum? Don't include the cost of installation, I will install it myself My email is jthlb@yahoo.com

Joseph Honeine
11.08.2023 18:32:15

Hello, I'm interested in Green House, i like the video where i saw 4x1O m : ОЧЕНЬ КРЕПКАЯ ТЕПЛИЦА Can you provide me with the price for 10x4 m as well as for 6x24m Which type of metal is the chassis? Is it Aluminum? Don't include the cost of installation, I will install it myself My email is jthlb@yahoo.com

Joseph Honeine
11.08.2023 18:31:54

Hello, I'm interested in Green House, i like the video where i saw 4x1O m : ОЧЕНЬ КРЕПКАЯ ТЕПЛИЦА Can you provide me with the price for 10x4 m as well as for 6x24m Which type of metal is the chassis? Is it Aluminum? Don't include the cost of installation, I will install it myself My email is jthlb@yahoo.com

Joseph Honeine
11.08.2023 18:31:11

Hello, I'm interested in Green House, i like the video where i saw 4x1O m : ОЧЕНЬ КРЕПКАЯ ТЕПЛИЦА Can you provide me with the price for 10x4 m as well as for 6x24m Which type of metal is the chassis? Is it Aluminum? Don't include the cost of installation, I will install it myself My email is jthlb@yahoo.com

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